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Brooding and Rearing Basics: Introduction to Waterfowl

Waterfowl can be a fun addition to a farm or homestead. They have the capacity to provide eggs, meat, and pest removal services, including the consumption of slugs and other invertebrates. Geese can forage for grasses and other tender plants. These birds have the potential to fill key niches in some farming systems.

 Amy Barkley, Livestock and Beginning Farm Specialist with the SWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program, will teach this brooding and rearing basics class for those who want to learn more about raising waterfowl. Topics include breed selection, managing brooders, nutrition basics, housing basics, and considerations for producing eggs and meat.

Watch the recording here

April 25

Brooding and Rearing Basics: Raising Chickens for Meat

June 23

Poultry Enterprise Budgets and Business Plans