Dr. Lindsay Goodale, Lecturer- Cornell CALS. Dr. Goodale will describe some common issues we encounter when feeding horses, including dealing with equine metabolic diseases, obesity, gastric ulcers, and other challenging scenarios. We'll also discuss some behavioral considerations that can influence our feeding approaches.
Register: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/HorseNutrition_222
The Hold Your Horses - Equine Nutrition Webinar Series is one of many programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension. Part of the national extension system, an educational partnership between County, State, and Federal governments. As New York’s land grant university Cornell administers the system in this state. For more information, call 525-268-7644 or visit our website at www.cce.cornell.edu/allegany. Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.
Contact person: Abigail Jantzi
email: aej48@cornell.edu
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