Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI): How to protect your flock
The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) affects both wild birds and domestic poultry and has been detected in commercial and backyard flocks. In NY state, it has been found in Suffolk, Ulster, and Dutchess Counties. The disease has impacted 15 states as of March 16h, affecting around 2 million birds. If you raise poultry, it is important to take the time to educate yourself about the steps to prevent the spread of disease with good biosecurity steps on your farm.
Learn More: https://cals.cornell.edu/news/2022/02/poultry-producers-be-lookout-highly-pathogenic-avian-influenza
HPAI Webinar recording (03/07/2022):
Where do I report sick birds?
NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets: 518-457-3502
USDA: 866-536-7593
Unusual illness and deaths of wild birds can be reported to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The link to this map shares the office contact information by region: https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/558.html
For more information on keeping your flock safe and for general tips on implementing biosecurity measures for small and backyard flocks, visit the USDA-APHIS Defend the Flock web page.
Over 200 disinfectants can be used against HPAI on hard, non-porous surfaces.
More information about using disinfectants against HPAI can be found on the EPA website, and the list of registered products can be found here.
Raptors and HPAI
More information about how raptors are affected by this virus was shared during a webinar by the University of Minnesota on 2/28/22.
NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Program)
There are many hatcheries that participate in this program, which tests against poultry diseases, including Avian Influenza. Participating hatcheries also have biosecurity measures in place to help mitigate the risk of disease on their farms, which means lower risk to you if you’re buying chicks in. If you aren’t sure if the hatchery you source from is NPIP certified, you can use this NPIP Participants States page to search for them (the map is clickable).
The New York specific hatchery page can be found here
Additional Resources
More information about HPAI can be found on this USDA page.
Updates on poultry health alerts - visit this NYS Ag & Markets page.
Current detections of HPAI in wild birds, commercial flocks, and backyard flocks visit this USDA page.
Spanish Language HPAI Resources
Influenza Aviar altamente patógena (HPAI): Cómo proteger sus aves de corral // Highly
La Influenza Aviar está afectando tanto a las aves silvestres como a las aves de corral, impactando tres condados en el estado de NY; Suffolk, Ulster y Duchess. A partir del 16 de marzo de 2022, se detectó HPAI en bandadas comerciales o de traspatio en 15 estados, afectando a cerca de 2 millones de aves. Si usted cría gallinas o tiene contacto con las aves de corral es importante educarse sobre la enfermedad HPAI, la forma altamente patógena de la influenza aviar. Aprenda más: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYCoWTQkNMw&authuser=0
Biosecurity webinar in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QalTmVbt3R4
Preventing HPAI video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76NtPkKNfmw
Small Farms HPAI video in Spanish