CCE Livestock Program Workteam
News, Updates & Recent Publications

Equine Seminar Series - Fall ‘22
A virtual series hosted by Cornell’s Equine Hospital, Cornell Cooperative Extension and the New York State 4-H Horse Program.
Hay and Pasture Management for the Horse Owner
Area Extension Educator Kevin Ganoe describes field crop management and how it applies to horse owners and their properties. This presentation includes a discussion of long and short grasses, plant growth, and pasture recovery.
Emergency Planning for the Horse and Barn Owner
In this presentation by equine lawyer Sarah Collier, short-term and long-term emergency planning is discussed, in addition to the tools accessible to all landowners to plan most effectively. With prior planning, one is able to enable their farm to continue functioning amidst unforeseen circumstances.

So, You Want to Find Grant Funding for Your Livestock Slaughter or Processing Business…
For existing and potential NYS livestock slaughter and processing facility owners looking for public funding opportunities in NYS. This webinar goes over what folks need to have in place in order to pursue public funding, how to access and work with a grant writer, and how to identify potential opportunities.

Composting Livestock Mortality & Butcher Waste
Learning to properly manage carcasses and slaughter waste is a critical skill for livestock producers and meat processors alike. In this webinar, CCE Educator Lynn Bliven covers the essentials to avoid environmental contamination and human safety hazards.

Meat Processing in a 20-C Kitchen
For farmers seeking to regain some control over butchering their animals, there is a middle option between being at the whim of slaughterhouse schedules and opening your own slaughterhouse.

Creative Slaughterhouse Workarounds
In this interactive discussion, we aim to help you regain some sense of control over how, when and where you get your livestock processed, and how you sell meat to customers.

Starting a Red Meat Slaughterhouse
Learn the primary considerations for opening a red meat slaughter and processing facility in NYS, from infrastructure to regulations and from labor to financing.

How to Better Communicate with Your Meat Processor
This webinar covers how to effectively work with your local meat processor, communicate cut instructions, and understand the difference between USDA and custom cutting. View Recording