Financing a Meat Plant

Don’t assume you’ll be able to get a grant to build your slaughter facility. While grant funding is sometimes available, it’s not free money. Grants always require great effort, risk, and cost-sharing, and aren’t a reliable way to get a new business off the ground. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to include grant funding as one part of your total funding package.

The Niche Meat Processors’ Assistance Network (NMPAN) has a helpful page on financing options for building a new (or expanding an existing) meat plant. Start here as you begin to lay out your budget and think about sources of financing that may be available to you.

In NYS, you may be eligible for refundable tax credits or grant support through the Empire State Development Small Business Hub. Explore the directory they’ve created outlining Small Business Development Programs, or schedule a meeting with ESD staff to learn more directly from them.

You may also look into NYS Regional Economic Development Councils, which provide grants and other financial support for small businesses in the state.


Slaughterhouse Feasibility and Business Planning


Regulatory Compliance for USDA Plants