CCE Livestock Program Workteam
News, Updates & Recent Publications
Managing Predation in Poultry Flocks
Finally, spring is in the air! It's the time of year where everything is waking up, including predators. Foxes are having their kits, coyotes are having their pups, and birds of prey are migrating to their northern breeding grounds. The lean winter season coupled with the fact that most prey species have not yet had their young means that predatory species are hungry… and poultry are the prefect meal.

A Little Preparation Makes a Successful Shearing Day
This winter's sheep-shearing season is upon us. To assist shepherds and shearers in preparing for the shearing day, Cornell Cooperative Extension's Livestock Program Work team hosted "Preparing for Shearing" on February 1st. During the 1 ½ hour webinar, participants heard from shearer Alex Moser and shepherd Robin Nistock. At least five regional shearers also attended and provided further information and suggestions during the lively question and answer session.