CCE Livestock Program Workteam
News, Updates & Recent Publications

USDA Inspectors in NYS
The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) provides oversight for all Custom Exempt and fully-USDA inspected plants. These regional contacts for NYS were up-to-date as of March 2022.

Composting Livestock Mortality & Butcher Waste
Learning to properly manage carcasses and slaughter waste is a critical skill for livestock producers and meat processors alike. In this webinar, CCE Educator Lynn Bliven covers the essentials to avoid environmental contamination and human safety hazards.

Meat Processing in a 20-C Kitchen
For farmers seeking to regain some control over butchering their animals, there is a middle option between being at the whim of slaughterhouse schedules and opening your own slaughterhouse.

Creative Slaughterhouse Workarounds
In this interactive discussion, we aim to help you regain some sense of control over how, when and where you get your livestock processed, and how you sell meat to customers.

Starting a Red Meat Slaughterhouse
Learn the primary considerations for opening a red meat slaughter and processing facility in NYS, from infrastructure to regulations and from labor to financing.