CCE Livestock Program Workteam

News, Updates & Recent Publications

Webinars, Video Guest User Webinars, Video Guest User

Emergency Planning for the Horse and Barn Owner

In this presentation by equine lawyer Sarah Collier, short-term and long-term emergency planning is discussed, in addition to the tools accessible to all landowners to plan most effectively. With prior planning, one is able to enable their farm to continue functioning amidst unforeseen circumstances.

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Articles, Guides and Publications Guest User Articles, Guides and Publications Guest User

A Little Preparation Makes a Successful Shearing Day

This winter's sheep-shearing season is upon us. To assist shepherds and shearers in preparing for the shearing day, Cornell Cooperative Extension's Livestock Program Work team hosted "Preparing for Shearing" on February 1st. During the 1 ½ hour webinar, participants heard from shearer Alex Moser and shepherd Robin Nistock. At least five regional shearers also attended and provided further information and suggestions during the lively question and answer session.

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